Exterior Painting Tips For Multi-Family Homes

Whether you are a landlord, property manager, or investor/owner of multi-family homes, you don't want your rental units to sit vacant for months on end. One of the most affordable, quickest ways to make your multi-family property attractive to good renters is to hire an exterior painting contractor.
You're already on the right track by planning an exterior painting project because the building will look better and that will make a huge difference in how quickly you rent the units out. All those drive-by renters will see the care you've put into the property and they'll want to see the inside. Plus, who wants to live in an apartment complex that looks run down? Even low-income apartment homes will get treated better by tenants if your property looks good.
Whether you choose to hire a painting contractor or you already have a crew on staff, there are certain things you should think about before getting the project started. Here are a few tips to help you get great results.
How to choose attractive exterior paint colors
The first multi-family painting tip to know is to choose contrasting exterior paint colors. Otherwise, the exterior will look drab. Any color scheme that blends too well together will either looks institutional or too garish instead of attractive. For instance, three light to medium colors that are very similar look institutional while three bold colors can actually make your apartment complex look haunted.
The key to choosing exterior paint colors for multi-family apartments or condos is to choose one beautiful color that contrasts well with two others. Figure out the main color you want to use and then an accent color and a trim color. Use the accent color for painting exterior walls that would highlight an architectural feature such as a balcony, porch or front door area.
Go pretty & bold for painting the exterior of apartment doors
Just as it is true for a single-family home, the front doors of apartment complexes should draw the eye. Don't be afraid to choose a pretty bold color when planning out your multi-family painting project. Whether you are painting duplexes or an entire community of apartments, your choice of door color will make a huge difference in how good your property looks to potential tenants and renters.
Make sure your exterior painting contractor starts with a smooth, clean surface
All old paint should be scraped away and the surface smoothed before the exterior painting begins. Caulking around windows or removing old caulk at the door is important if you want the project to look right. Otherwise, all those imperfections will show through the exterior paint after it is applied.
Also, make sure that the exterior of your apartments is power washed before painting. Otherwise, the primer won't adhere to surface correctly and could blister, bubble, or lift. Exterior painting for apartment complexes is already an investment, so be sure to protect yourself by getting the surfaces ready for the new paint first.